Friday, July 25, 2008

VHF DX Weak Signal Propagation

Often when one over hears a group discussing VHF long distance communication via weak signal modes it conjures up thoughts of elaborate specialized equipment that has been home brewed by a retired RF Engineer or some thing to that effect but truthfully long distance communication on VHF is very accessible to the average amateur operator in most countries.
VHF and UHF have a lot to offer over HF in some key areas if one can think beyond the general belief that these bands are line of sight and nothing more.
Making contacts via weak signal propagation requires a little effort some times but often the work is in the construction and setup of equipment and this comes down to personal preferences as to how elaborate your station may be.

Minimum Requirements for 6 meter weak signal propagation.
The 50MHz or 6M band is probably the easiest band to make DX contacts on simply because it exhibits characteristics similar to both HF and VHF. The only thing with six meters is that it is a case of right place at the time but during solar maximum openings that cross the globe become quite frequent.
At times of solar minimum Sporadic E conditions can occur giving way to communication over a distance of 1200 to 2000 km.
The minimum requirements for reliable DXing on 6M would be a 6m all mode rig with 100 watts output and a 6m half wave vertical or a horizontal dipole. The use of low loss coax will be an advantage and the use of RG58 is hardly acceptable for feed line. RG213 would be a bear minimum.

Minimum Requirements 2 meter weak signal propagation.
Probably one of the most active bands in some areas of the world 144MHz has much to offer the VHF enthusiast from tropospheric ducting to sporadic E and Aircraft Enhancement.
Aircraft Enhancement offers communication up to 1000km but more frequently 300 to 500 km on a daily basis. Sporadic E and Ducting tend to be seasonal but opening out of season can occur.
The minimum requirements for weak signal work on 144MHz would be a 2m all mode rig with 10 watts or more and a 7 element yagi at least 8 metres above ground.
Feed line losses are a problem on 2m so the use of low loss coaxial cable is a definite advantage.
RG213 will get you by but hard line of some description is preferable.

VHF Weak Signal Operating Practices.

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